So, I recently got tired of having to reach into my trusty Ryobi PCL705 vacuum cleaner to remove dog fur, and I designed and printed a tool to do it for me. With my two and a half dogs (two husky mixes and a wolf/malamute mix), fur-shedding season can be brutal. I fill the vacuum cleaner up about five times a day, and fishing inside of the tube to get the dog fur removed from it adds a minute or so to every time I empty the vacuum. So, now this tool lives next to my trash can and gets used to dump out the dog fur several times a day.
It’s important to note that this is specialized for my vacuum and may or may not work on yours. The Ryobi PCL705 and its relatives seem to be a low-cost secret part of the lineup, and the more expensive models are the ones which come up if you search for Ryobi vacuums. Whereas most of the other vacuum cleaners in the Ryobi line are around $100 and come with a pentagon shaped modular snout attachment, the PCL705 usually costs $30-$50 and its nose is just a tube, which works fine for dog fur. The simplicity of this setup is nice, and at this price point you can afford to have a few of them around the house.
Ryobi vacuum:
Below, I have the STL file if you want to 3D print a copy of this tool. I used basic PLA, and don’t see any reason that a more durable version would be required.
And because WordPress doesn’t want me uploading .scad files, I’m just going to put the source code to the tool inline here. If you learn OpenSCAD, it’s easy to make changes to the tool design if you feel like it.
$fa = 1;
$fs = 0.5;
difference() {
union() {
cylinder(128, 11, 11);
translate([0, 0, -10])
cylinder(10, 18, 18);
translate([0, 10, -10])
rotate([90, 0, 0])
cylinder(5, 10, 10);
union() {
translate([-18, 10, -20])
cube([36, 20, 148]);
translate([0, 10, -10])
rotate([90, 0, 0])
cylinder(40, 5, 5);
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