Author: snewton
Percolators are underrated
One of the big things about working in an office, was the unlimited coffee which our employers offered us in an effort to keep us working as hard as possible during our time at the office. When COVID hit, most of us who were regulars in our corporate breakrooms began buying more coffee personally than…
Went to Corks & Cattle Market today
Many of those who’ve spent time in San Diego, have been to Urge Gastropub (RIP), or similar foodie restaurants sprinkled throughout its local food scene. While I’m by no means a huge foodie, Urge was somewhere I liked to go once in a while. When I worked at Playstation, it was right down the street…
My life’s fitness trajectory
I’m Sean Newton – 47 years old presently, and I’ve worked at a desk job since landing my first dot-com job in 2000. I have several interests in life, but obviously the first and foremost is being able to work effectively. I have DSPS, which is a sleep disorder that tends to keep my body…
My supplement routine (Apr 2024)
Pretty much any discussion of a workout regimen these days, tends to involve a detailed description of supplements. While there is a ton of research indicating that creatine is a solid performer in any supplement regimen, more or less everything else is going to boil down to some kind of controversy of bro-science. So, I’m…
Tracking your body metrics
In order to get in shape, it’s beneficial to track metrics. And as a tech bro, I of course have that “give me all of the metrics” mindset. About 20 years ago, I started using the scales from Omron (Japanese company; I think they may have invented consumer-grade body fat measurement). Later on I started…
My Workout Sheets, 4/24 edition
I’ve been sharing my workout sheets with folks for a while, and just decided I needed to put it somewhere it’ll be easy to get to. Please keep in mind these forms are a starting point; they’re the structure that works for me, and your mileage will probably vary. Some folks have better success tracking…
Mogul Bulb Conversion
This episode was a fun series of experiments. I’ve seen these big fixtures on farms and sheds since I was a kid, but I’ve never gotten to take one apart. I removed an old 175W mercury vapor bulb, rewired the fixture it was in, and installed a 100W LED corncob light with around twice the…