• My supplement routine (Apr 2024)

    Pretty much any discussion of a workout regimen these days, tends to involve a detailed description of supplements. While there is a ton of research indicating that creatine is a solid performer in any supplement regimen, more or less everything else is going to boil down to some kind of controversy of bro-science. So, I’m…

  • Tracking your body metrics

    In order to get in shape, it’s beneficial to track metrics. And as a tech bro, I of course have that “give me all of the metrics” mindset. About 20 years ago, I started using the scales from Omron (Japanese company; I think they may have invented consumer-grade body fat measurement). Later on I started…

  • My Workout Sheets, 4/24 edition

    I’ve been sharing my workout sheets with folks for a while, and just decided I needed to put it somewhere it’ll be easy to get to. Please keep in mind these forms are a starting point; they’re the structure that works for me, and your mileage will probably vary. Some folks have better success tracking…

  • Mogul Bulb Conversion

    This episode was a fun series of experiments. I’ve seen these big fixtures on farms and sheds since I was a kid, but I’ve never gotten to take one apart. I removed an old 175W mercury vapor bulb, rewired the fixture it was in, and installed a 100W LED corncob light with around twice the…

  • Intro to the Warehouse

    So, I posted a video walkthrough of the place.